A lot of hype has followed the recent news release about a fossil discovered in 1983 by a private collector and recently sold to the Oslo museum in 2007. Three observations I suggest the reader consider following the media frenzy and the claims concerning this fossil.
Call me a skeptic but when so much media coverage is given an announcement like this I always follow a simple rule – “follow the money.” Is money being made here? You be the judge. The day following news release a book on this fossil was released. Two weeks later a special on the History Channel will be aired. And! Don’t forget that Oslo museum must have paid dearly for Ida and the museum stands to gain from the hype and by spin-off’s like the unveiling of Ida "at New York's American Museum of Natural History, which will feature a replica cast in a new exhibit about mammals." (Associated Press)
Again, call me a skeptic but I always want to know if the whole story is being reported. In this case the majority of the media ignored the fact that many from the science community, even noted evolutionists, question and doubt the conclusion hyped by Jorn Hurum of Oslo museum. “I actually don't think it's terribly close to the common ancestral line of monkeys, apes and people," said K. Christopher Beard of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
The third and most important observation for the reader to consider is, “What does the Bible say?” The Bible says that mankind, unlike any of God’s other creations, was made in the likeness of God (Genesis 2:7). We are unique. The “link” is always going to be missing. For a more biblical view point on this subject and all of creation check out this site.
I agree wholeheartedly! Money will often encourage individuals to propagate lies.
I agree wholeheartedly! Money is often behind the propagation of lies.