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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles

After wandering around for forty years, Israel finally could now see the promise land. There were, however, obstacles to overcome and fears to be defeated. There was a nature barrier, the river Jordan; and a human obstacle, the idol worshipping people who occupied the land.

The River Jordon was a formidable obstruction. Overflowing its banks at this season, it would present Joshua and Israel, who numbered in the millions, with an especially large and dangerous barrier. It appeared impossible to breach. How would Joshua overcome this obstacle?

On the other hand, there was the problem of the people occupying the Promise Land. That too appeared to be overwhelming. They were not going to take kindly to the new folks in town. They were a fierce foe with fortified walled-cities and large trained armies. They opposed all that Israel believed and practice unthinkable cruelty. How would Joshua and the people overcome this barrier?

Perhaps, at this point, the obvious should be should be stated: Obstacles are never easy to overcome. If they were, then they would not be obstacles.  The barriers that Joshua faced would drive him to prayer; and cause him to wrestle with the Angel of the Lord. 

The first step to finding victory over any obstruction is to get in touch with the God of Heaven. You must know if this barrier is of God or Satan. Balaam ran into an angel from God wheeling a large sword and didn’t know it. It took a talking donkey to make him see clearly what God’s will was. Don’t make the same mistake. Get before the Lord by prayer. Besides, He is the obstacle remover; and you will not overcome the wall before you without Him. It is through prayer to God Almighty that his will and plan is made known.
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The second phase to victory is the plan. Get with the plan! God laid out a plan for crossing Jordan. It demanded faith and obedience. No mountain can be moved unless you believe it can be moved. Marching around Jericho would have been waste of energy if the people didn’t believe the walls would fall.  “Without faith it is impossible to please [God]” and “whatsoever is not of faith is sin” (Hebrews 11:6 and Romans 14:23).

Nevertheless, faith without obedience is an oxymoron. Joshua obeyed the plan without exception. They crossed the Jordon River according to God’s instructions; and they march around Jericho exactly as God had instructed. Obedience is the result of faith. Don’t be deceived into believing you move any obstacle in any other way than God’s way. Some mountains are ready to be moved but people expect a giant bulldozer when God gives them a shovel. Get the plan by getting in touch with God; and get with the plan!

Thirdly, purpose to execute! The evidence of faith and obedience is when you put your shoulder to the barrier and push.  Talking alone never gets the job done. Be a doer! Purpose in your heart and make it so. The Apostle Paul addressed this point when instructing us how to overcome sin. He said: “Likewise reckon ye also yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin, but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:11). Implement the plan and execute it!

Lastly, if you are going to be a overcomer, then preserve – Stick with it – Don’t give up. The famed coach, Vince Lombardi had it right; “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.”  Winston S. Churchill simply said, “Never, never, never give in!”

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